The newest addition to the columnist staff at is Charley Rosen, who has forgotten more about basketball than 99 percent of people know about basketball (like how John Havlicek used to get unofficial days off late in the season to go fishing).
He has written 17 basketball books. He is tight with Phil Jackson, once co-authoring a book with him. He was teammates with Larry Brown. He played against Wilt Chamberlain.
So when he speaks, he speaks with a level of authority that must be respected. And when KJR radio in Seattle saw that he had joined, they jumped to get him on the air.
Rosen did not disappoint.
On the Lakers: “Jimmy Buss strikes again. … (Mike) Brown was horribly inept. He was terrible in timeouts. His practices were long and useless. He made bad adjustments. His players ridiculed him behind his back. But Jimmy Buss didn’t want Phil Jackson back, and one of the reasons is the competition that exists among the siblings, meaning Jeannie Buss. So if Phil is back, then Jeannie has more influence probably than Jimmy does. So I think he was looking for a way to not hire Phil despite the clamor from the local media and the fans, so he made up a whole bunch of stuff — Phil wanted $18 (million), Phil didn’t want to go to road games, blah blah blah, which was all total nonsense. Lies. So he goes for the gold, the glitter, by bringing Mike D’Antoni is, which is a bad fit. D’Antoni doesn’t know what to do with post-up players.”
On Gregg Popovich: “Popovich comes from the Air Force Academy. He’s not afraid of Stern. He”s not afraid of bumping up against Stern. He’s go his own way of doing things. He knows Stern is going to retire in a year or so, and he’s flexing his muscles, saying: ‘I’m here, and I’m still the boss.’ ”
On Stern: “The emperor got a little out of hand, here. He took it took too personally.”
Here is the interview:
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(RELATED: Rosen debut column: Stern wears dunce cap in bout with Popovich)
(RELATED: Heisler: Jerry Buss wanted his organization back)
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Glad to see Rosen back!
More Charley Rosen! Glad to see this.
Some body fire mike d. The guy stinks. The lakers look like mike brown is still coaching them. Unacceptable. Jim buss is going to get run out of town. Why can’t magic Johnson and Guggenheim take over? Lol
Glad to see the Rosen addition, he was under-used at his previous site. Hope to see more consistency out of the old fogey.
So, basically what Rosen is saying is Heisler has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.
When this site finally decides to have some focus and stops tossing out unsourced assumption, worthless unnamed sources, hubris and total fabrication like some pathetic Sam Amico on steroids, be sure to ring some sort of Internet bell to let the readers know.
A variety of opinion is credible. A variety of fact is not.