The Lakers are said to be waiting until after the May 20 Draft Lottery to decide who should be their next coach. They will have a lengthy list of candidates to choose from, because just about everyone out there (OK, not Phil Jackson) would like to have that job.
Who do you think the Lakers should hire?
Vote below.
The results will show after you cast your ballot.
No matter who becomes the coach of the Lakers, there will be no hope for them.
A team of Kobe, Pau and Nash could occupy over 47 Million in cap space (adding in 4.5 million in required cap holds), leaving only about 16 million in cap space, plus 1 MLE and possibly a BAE of 2 million for 2 years.
What respectable Free agent would join that old Lakers base the following summer (names please) (assuming there could be over 16 million in space), if Nash retires?