Wade sums things up with two of the words in his tweet: “Sad” and “Greed”

@DwyaneWadeDwyane Wade
You know its sad when people don’t even try and hide their greed..#NBALockout
Wade sums things up with two of the words in his tweet: “Sad” and “Greed”
Daniel B. says “My sympathy is with all those involed in “support” industry’s that are associated with the NBA ….the stall holders , business owners in and around the arena’s
They have lost ………and will continue to do so !”
It is truly sad to see the support industry and the many cities who have put up effort and bonds and such to provide a place for these teams all struggle because of this “ego battle ?” all in the name of business. It is a hard pill to take for many effected.
May a miraculous resolution come forth!
This certainly has become a sad situation …..I don’t blame one side more than the other , but it is disturbing that an agreement was not reached earlier . It is not as though these guys …stern/hunter didn’t have plenty of time prior to seasons start to knuckle down and come up with a compromise .
My sympathy is with all those involed in “support” industry’s that are associated with the NBA ….the stall holders , business owners in and around the arena’s
They have lost ………and will continue to do so !
Sure it is both sides. But this really reeks of owner arrogance- as if they totally control the situation. Try replacing 1400 quality “employees with lower tier talent. Who would go pay high ticket prices for that. And while the players have their “issues” it seems so obvious that many bad decisions were made by owners and they just want that part to be ignored and come up with a way to make money even for the bad business decision teams.
The players should learn that silence is golden. Does he forget that he’s a multi-millionaire who isn’t playing basketball right now because he doesn’t want to give up his $ either? Maybe the general public is ill-informed enough to believe that the lockout is a one-sided affair caused by the owners, but everyone (players included) needs to remember that the lockout is the result of BOTH sides failing to come to an agreement. The owners didn’t lock the players out of an existing agreement. The agreement expired, and without being able to agree on a new one they have put the sport on hold until terms can be met.
There’s a reason you don’t read about owners tweeting out PR propaganda. They’re focused on winning the negotiations, not sympathy.
Technically the owners had to option to continue the previous CBA for 1 season while they negotiate. Buzz words like greed shouldn’t be spoken by players most likely it will only bite them in the ass.
Extending the current CBA for a year would amount to a loss to the owners. They get no concessions from the players for that year while giving the players leverage and no motivation to negotiate. The players still get paid and get the benefits negotiated under the last CBA. It would also make it harder for the owners to get concessions because it would open up the argument “If you opted to live with it for another year it can’t be so bad.” At the end of the year we’d be in the same position, and the owners would have incurred more losses to get here (assuming they are losing money like they say they are).
Well yea, it wouldn’t have been a strong bargaining move; I just wanted to be disagreeable.
Pretty much the only way this isn’t (mainly) on the owners, is if you believe the players should just suck it up and sign a deal they know to be clearly one sided, knowing the league isn’t likely to cede back at a later date. That really doesn’t sound like bargaining but whatever.
One sided or not, owners-friendly or not, NBA players would still remain the highest paid athletes in sports, even if they accepted a deal that favors 100% the owners.
I just want both sides to sign a deal but I’m sick of listening to Wade running his mouth, talking about “I’m not your child” or saying the only ones being greedy are the owners. I’m just praying this guy will be far from the negotiation room next times both sides meet.
Yeah right.the owners are just so buisness savy.is that why stern and silver continue to spin this thing.? Don’t give me this crap about it being both sides. I lost acess to to the local games (clippers,lakers) at the start of the season last year because of dish vs fox.this is not a negotiation, its extortion. Owners can end this dipute easily.GIVE UP THE DAMN POINT!and play ball.
Nba owners, knock off the b.s. And make the damn deal!
It is so very true….both sides are being selfish and greedy…But these owners are shameful…just plain shameful!
Is Wade talking about himself?
If Wade, LeBron and Garnett all left the NBA to play in China or Dubai, it would be news for about two weeks.
After that a second tier of stars would step up to capture the public’s imagination, whether that be Blake Griffin, John Wall or Derrick Williams.
The stars do drive some parts of the game. But in the end, if just being a “star” was enough, all of the Harlem Globetrotters would have endorsement deals with Sprite and T Mobile for their behind the back passing exploits in beating down the Washington Generals. The players need the NBA more than the NBA needs any one particular set of superstars.
That’s exactly what I’ve always been saying since forever. Most people (at least that’s my perception) don’t seem to realize it but, truth is, none of those players will ever find the luxury the NBA gives them (both on-and-off the court) outside the league.
haha yes, he is