While LeBron James is fighting to move past the Boston Celtics to reach the NBA Finals, his seven-year-old son LeBron James Jr. is just starting to grasp the concept of full-court basketball action, perhaps following the footsteps of his prodigious father.
Humbly for James Jr., he learned what a quick change of direction can do for you, or against you in this case, in what appears to be a recent league game.
(via Scouts Focus)
The real story of this video, though, may be the talents of Jalen Smith, whose favorite player just happens to be the father of the boy he made stumble to the ground with that deadly crossover.
Smith has phenom written all over him, and already appears to have handles well beyond his years. Asked what his dream school would be, he answered “Kentucky”, which ought to be music to John Calipari’s ears. After watching him in action, it wouldn’t be surprising at all if this is not the last we hear of the talented youngster.
James Park is a regular contributor and blogger for SheridanHoops.com. You can follow him on twitter @nbatupark.
Calipari will have been suspended long before this kid can come to Kentucky.
The fact that scouts are video taping seven year olds and uploading it to the internet is just plain creepy.
The fact anyone gives a shit about LeBron James’ seven year old son getting crossed is even creepier. WTF.