From ComcastSportsNet footage
GREENBURGH., N.Y. — According to ‘Melo, Kevin Garnett said something so offensive, it crossed a line.
And that as why Carmelo Anthony tried to get into the visiting locker room and stood outside the Celtics’ team bus Monday night following a physical, confrontational loss for the Knicks to Boston at Madison Square Garden.
“There’s certain things that you just don’t say to men, another man. I felt he crossed the line,” Anthony explained. “We have an understanding right now. We handled it the way we handled it. Nobody needs to know what was said behind closed doors, so that situation is handled.”
Anthony disclosed no details where or how he and Garnett spoke.
“I just wanted to know what was being said, where was all that coming from? Whatever was being said on the basketball court, where was all that coming from?
He said the matter was discussed between the two, and it as behind them.
“Absolutely, and that was my whole mindset and motive of going back there and seeing him in the locker room and in the front, to have a one-on one conversation and talk it out like grown men,” Anthony said. “I lost my cool yesterday. I accept that.
Here is the footage from CSNNE of Anthony standing near the Celtics team bus.
KG is gonna get his one day. It’s coming. One day, someone is just gonna say, “Fuck it – it’s worth the suspension.”
Or so I hope. I’d love to sit behind Boston’s bench the next time they’re at MSG.
Like this?
Exactly like that, Chris.
I tell you this much – if I was an NBA player, and an opposing player tried to taunt me about my deceased mother…. Or said I looked like a cancer patient…. Or said something about my wife… Forget about it. That dude would be coming off the court on a stretcher – consequences be damned.
Carmelo is a punk and who bitchslaps people and runs away. (2006)
KG probably trotted out something like his “cancer” taunt at Villanueva. Too bad Carmelo didn’t drill the skull-headed asshole
So no he would never.