In yesterday’s blog, there was a news item about Mike D’Antoni’s frustration with the Lakers boiling over.
Today, Chris Bernucca suggests that maybe the problem with the Lakers isn’t so much the Lakers as it is Mike D’Antoni. Speaking of the Lakers, where does Kobe Bryant rank on Chris Sheridan’s new MVP rankings? One answer: not first.
Now for your latest NBA news:
Is Jason Kidd going to retire soon? Zach Braziller of the New York Post speculates that he might: “Knicks fans should cherish Jason Kidd’s role on the team. They may not see him when this season ends. Kidd, who turned 40 yesterday, said Friday night he may not play out his entire three-year contract with the team. “We’re going to revisit [it],” he said. “We [would] love to make it to 42, but we have to be realistic. If the body and mind can’t compete at the same time, then I got to move to the side and watch these younger guys play. But I feel great.” “
- Kenyon Martin said he'd like to play next year and "would love" to re-sign with the #Knicks.@IanBegleyIan Begley
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