Russell Westbrook is one of the most intriguing, explosive talents the league has to offer and certainly has a strong personality to boot.
You will see him soaring and roaring like few can at his position, celebrates rather ferociously whenever he knocks down a big three-point shot and will give you the coldest death stare you’ll ever see if you do not return one of his high-fives.
An overseas player who simply goes by the username of @BdotAdot5 on twitter took notice of Westbrook’s many personalities on the court and decided to act it all out in a 30-second clip that has quickly gone viral:
Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) in game facial expressions be like… vs. His Player Picture. feat. @That_Guyy23
— B.A. (@BdotAdot5) July 13, 2015
The hilariously-accurate clip received positive endorsement everywhere, including from Westbrook himself:
Lol hahahahaha RT @BdotAdot5: Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) in game facial expressions be … — Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) July 13, 2015
That’s not the only funny clip the new internet personality has posted, as you can see below:
NBA Players Step-Backs these days be like… #AintNoTravelBih 😂😂 feat. @That_Guyy23 •Tag A Hooper•
— B.A. (@BdotAdot5) July 10, 2015
Keep it coming, Mr. B.A.
Jim Park is a blogger and editor of Sheridan Hoops. Follow him on twitter @SheridanBlog.
Dude’s impressions are spot on. Still funny