Somber news in Clipperland today. Point guard and team leader Chris Paul asked for prayers today:
Somber news in Clipperland today. Point guard and team leader Chris Paul asked for prayers today:
by James Park
Tuesday ushered in a new year: 2013. For most people, new years means new resolutions, new goals. [Bauman: Eight NBA New Years Resolutions] LA Lakers power forward Pau Gasol and his brother, Memphis Grizzlies center Marc Gasol have set their goals for the new year.
by James Park
Say goodbye to 2012 and the prediction of the Mayans. 2013 is here! May the New Year bring us plenty of exciting and unexpected moments from the NBA. So what are some of the things we can look forward to in the upcoming year? Here are some notable questions heading into January: [Read more…]
What defines a year? … Is the answer not the events that occurred? And wow! … 2012 was loaded with events. Thankfully, Portland Trail Blazers rookie center Meyers Leonard managed to sum up all of its parts in one compact tweet.
Gracias, Pau, for linking to these highlights of Juan Carlos Navarro’s 33-point outing in FC Barcelona’s ACB victory over Real Madrid. [Read more…]
by James Park