So how does it feel, Spain? How does it feel to come up woefully short of expectations? How does it feel to be embarrassed by an inexplicable loss on your home floor in front of your blindly supportive fan base? How does it feel to be relegated to classification games while visitors vie for the international championship you believed was rightfully yours? Yeah, it wasn’t supposed to go down this way. Your march through the 2014 World Cup wasn’t supposed to be
Sheridan: On the Retirement of Jason Kidd
Everyone on planet Earth has one thing in common today, as we do every day: We are all getting older by the moment. Jason Kidd’s retirement makes that truism hit home a little more, because I have become friendly with Kidd over the years through covering him since he came out of Cal as the kind of freakish point guard the likes of whom had rarely been seen before. When players you have covered for years upon years announce retirements, it
NBA exec Brian McIntyre honored by peers
When I was covering the Olympics in Beijing in 2008, I spent the first 5 minutes of every halftime in the smoking area outside the back entrance to Wukesong Arena. That was when the Redeem Team was on its way to winning the gold medal, and one day during pool play Team USA was beating the bejeezus out of Spain. Joing me for a halftime cigarette that evening was NBA executive Brian McIntyre, who was pulling double duty as the p.r. man