Tonight’s the night, if you like money for nothing. The latest Sheridan Hoops Freeroll closes at 7:00 EST. It’s a 1-day fantasy contest, free to enter, with no strings attached. The best team wins $100 cash! [Read more…]
Tonight’s the night, if you like money for nothing. The latest Sheridan Hoops Freeroll closes at 7:00 EST. It’s a 1-day fantasy contest, free to enter, with no strings attached. The best team wins $100 cash! [Read more…]
by James Park
Before we get to the first ‘full’ night of NBA action in 2013, with a dozen games, be sure to join this week’s Sheridan Hoops Freeroll. It’s a 1-day contest (this Friday, January 4) that’s absolutely free to enter and you could win up to $100 cash! Down $25 so far from the $100 weekly bankroll, I’m ready to get serious this evening and join some $5 Double-Up and Snake leagues in addition to the $2 GPP tournament, where I usually
by James Park
Say goodbye to 2012 and the prediction of the Mayans. 2013 is here! May the New Year bring us plenty of exciting and unexpected moments from the NBA. So what are some of the things we can look forward to in the upcoming year? Here are some notable questions heading into January: [Read more…]
My roller-coaster ride last week ended $40 in the red, as Sunday was the wrong time to start Blake Griffin in multiple contests. Every Monday the bankroll resets to $100, and over seven nights of daily league fun, that’s less than $15 per diem. [Read more…]
Presenting the latest MVP rankings, and the New Year’s resolution list. [Read more…]
Thanks to all 427 people who entered the Sheridan Hoops Freeroll last night. “Gph106” was on fire, amassing 313 points to win $100 cash. “TheCustodian” earned $60 for second and “rhcpfleadom” gets $30 for finishing third. [Read more…]
Before we take our daily Spin around the Association, be sure to join tonight’s Freeroll. It’s a one-day fantasy contest for Sheridan Hoops readers, with no entry fee and $300 in cash prizes. [Read more…]